Friday, September 11, 2009

School Uniform and School Pictures Go Together

We have a uniform dress code, but we don't really have school uniforms. If we had school uniforms there would be one color shirt and one color pants/skirt for every student. Our policy requires a collared shirt and permits families to choose from several colors. Same thing for the bottoms.

This week I've had a few calls from parents questioning why students are being told they must wear the uniform for school pictures. "I spend my money to buy those pictures and they should wear what I want them to wear," they say. In past years some of our schools permitted parents to send their children dressed any way they like on picture day. Others required the uniform.

Because we were not being consistent, this year our principals agreed that they would all do the same thing to reduce confusion at home. They decided that for Fall pictures, all students would be required to be dressed in our daily uniform style. Why?

Our principals reasoned that the Fall photo always goes into the school yearbook. The school yearbook is our official visual record of the school year. Pictures of students in the yearbook should look like they look in school. I agree completely. It's as simple as that. School pictures do generate a little profit for the school, but if requiring the uniform means you don't want to buy any pictures, that's OK with us.

As Paul Harvey would say, "Now you know the rest of the story."

And in the Spring, when the school schedules Spring photos, we'll let the parents dress them up any way they like.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the dress code and pictures. What I don't agree with is that teacher's do not have to follow the same dress code. Kids look up to their teachers and when they see them dressing not appropriate this does not set a good example for the school or to the kids. I believe that the teachers should wear the khaki pants and the polo shirts as well.

Anonymous said...

I DO NOT agree with this. Its bad enough that the students have to wear uniforms. School picture day WAS the one day students could wear what they would like to. Give them a break!

Anonymous said...

I fully agree with Anonymous. Many of the teachers in the district do not adhere to the basic guidelines set out for the children (sleeveless tops, short skirts). Some attention to that would be warranted. I think requiring the uniform for school photos is fine, it is the daily representation of the student body.

Freshman Mom said...

The dress code makes life much easier and I liked the idea of the kids wearing their "normal" attire on picture day. So far this year at LF High has been wonderful. Mr. Cave is running a tight ship and it is working. My daughter feels safe at school and thats so important.

Freshman Mom

Anonymous said...

I do not like the uniforms, I never have, and i never will. It is very unfair. Students should not be told what to wear. They go to school for education, not to be brainwashed by learning that they always have to wear collared shirts!

Anonymous said...

I can laugh about this now, but this is a true story. I went to a private school where we had to wear uniforms. Since I'm a girl, I really didn't like having to wear a tie. One day, I was trying to get a heavy box off a shelf in a classroom and the box fell off the shelf and hit me in the head, knocking me out. While I was unconscious, someone took my tie right off my collar! Afer regaining consciouness, I felt fine and check myself in a mirror only to find that my tie was missing and my collar was sticking up. I couldn't believe it. I spent the rest of the day in class without a tie. I never did find out what happened to my tie.

Unknown said...

i want kids to have fun but i dont like wearing what ever i want to my class and students are looking at like she get to wear what ever she want and i dont, schools are go carzy some parents say well like give my daughter a break for picture day or i am thinking to get my child got of this school for good and they yell at me but the school made them not me i really want kids to wear those jeans and apple botttom shits and those things but dont yell at me