Thursday, August 9, 2012

Now is the Time to Establish Home Routines

For many families, the start of the school year means adding multiple activities and logistics. It can be a challenge to create consistency and calm when family members are going in different directions. Having set routines at the beginning and end of the day can not only help children build healthy habits but also give them a sense of security.
Starting out right — A good, peaceful start to the day has a powerful effect on the kind of day we have. Here are some tips to help those busy mornings go smoothly:
  • Help your children pack up their backpacks for school the night before.
  •  Make lunches, sign field trip permission slips, etc., the night before.
  • Lay out clothes the night ahead.
  • In a family meeting, work out a schedule for using the bathroom and getting breakfast that gets everyone out the door on time. Post the written schedule in a prominent place.
  • Eat breakfast with your children.
After school and evening — As much as possible, set regular times for meals, homework, television, and bedtime routines. This will provide a much-needed structure to your children’s day and help them get the rest they need. To help bedtimes be relaxed and fun:
  • Talk about the next day’s schedule so your children know what to expect. It can be helpful to have a weekly calendar posted in a prominent place. Include each person’s chores and when they are to be completed.
  • Eat dinner together and talk about everyone’s day. Make it a practice to have every family member contribute at least one interesting thing they have learned that day.
  • Have a family activity — play a game, work on math facts, practice spelling.
  • Set rules about video games and television watching, and turn them off long before bedtime. Sometimes television images are too stimulating and make it hard for the child to get to sleep.
  • Read with your children before bed.

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