Monday, June 13, 2011

Why So Late?

The last day for students this year is June 16. That’s later than usual for us and later than most of the other school districts around us. Why so late?

Remember we started late this year. The first day was Tuesday after Labor Day, September 6. We had several construction projects going on and wanted to be sure they were done.

Of course if you’ve been to the high school this year you know that remodeling both inside and out has continued. Our appreciation goes to the administration, teachers, staff and students for enduring yet another year of disruptions and occasional classroom relocations.

This summer we’ll be undergoing the last piece of remodeling that began with the referendum voters approved in 2006. The newly enclosed courtyard is being painted this week and a beautiful, long lasting, terrazzo floor will be the final step.

The old office area, including principal’s offices, guidance, wellness, nurse, special education, teacher work room is partially gutted now and will be vacated as soon as the staff is done on Friday of this week. That entire area will be redesigned and rebuilt. Front door access to the guidance area will be from the center of the school.

Many of the hallways will get new tile and the last of the brick will be finished on the outside.

Where other districts have moved to tear down 40 year old schools and build new ones that cost 60-80 million dollars, Lake Forest has conservatively breathed new life into its high school with a redesign and upgrade that should make the whole community proud. We’re making plans to show it off at the next I Love Lake Forest Day on October 8.

Next school year we will return to what is a more normal schedule for us. The first day for students will be Monday, August 29, 2011 and the last day will be Friday, June 8, 2012. That’s more like it.

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